Decorative Lamp Shades For Your Home

Lamp shades add style to a room for two reasons: they are decorative, and with their light, they make the decor look great. When choosing a lampshade for your living room or bedroom, you can take into consideration the following factors: size, shape, color, and whether it is plain or enhanced.

Decorative Lamp Shades

Before buying a lamp, you should consider the base. Plain lampshades are best paired with decorative bases. A painted ceramic base or even a plain one can add a nice touch to your room. The use of shades with bold prints on the lamp base can create a color clash that looks chaotic.

The size of the shade

If you find a small shade, your lamp will look strange, especially if the base is tall and has a floor-standing footing. Find a large shade to make the lamp appear proportional. Consider the location of the beam shade, its proximity to walls, and areas where people can move. Avoid shades that are too wide, as they will cover the wall and look bad. The lampshades’ height should be approximately 2/3 the height of their base. Their width should be one inch larger than the widest part of their base. This rule should be followed with discretion and commonsense.

The Shape Of The Shade

Never mix and match the shapes or shades. This will make your lamp appear a little odd. The finished base looks great on round lampshades. For square lampshades, it will look fantastic.

Color Of The Shade

The shade should match the lamp base and the universal decor of the room where the lamp is to be placed. The darker shade will prevent light from passing through the room. A light shade will make the light too bright.

The Material Of The Shade

When trading lamp shades, the last thing you should consider is the material. Some materials attract more dust. When buying, avoid those materials as they can be fragile and require careful handling. You can choose a glass shade instead, as they are easy to clean since you can remove them and wash them in water.

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